The Community Council has led a process to develop a Local Place Plan following engagement with people and organisations in the town.
Our vision is that “St Andrews will use its significant opportunities and assets it has to be a welcoming, thriving, connected and well-integrated town offering a great quality of life and good prospects for everyone who lives, studies, works and visits here.”
Click here for the final version of the Local Place Plan
Click here for the summary version of the Priority Projects in the Local Place Plan
Here we list our priority actions under key themes to realise our vision. They require action by Fife Council, other agencies, local organisations and by the community itself and in many areas funding will need to be secured. In some instances, further feasibility studies are required to see whether and how ideas are viable. This is our starting point.
Give us your views
We are now ready to consult on our draft Local Place Plan, following extensive community consultation where hundreds of people across the St Andrews community gave us their aspirations for the future of the town.
The primary purpose of the plan is to provide an up-to-date statement of current issues we face and our aspirations for the next 5-10 years, to help public bodies, landowners, businesses and funders consider how they can best support positive change in the area. Our consultation identified the substantial assets the community has, in relation to the capacity of its people, the history and the built environment and the impact of strategic partners.
The projects we have set out in the local place plan build on these asses to address the challenges we have in relation to accessible housing, limited access to quality spaces and the challenging conditions that some people experience.
Our big vision is “St Andrews will use the significant opportunities and assets it has to be a welcoming, thriving, connected and well-integrated town offering a great quality of life and good prospects for everyone who lives, studies, works and visits here.”
Please take a look at the document -
Draft Local Place Plan for St Andrews
And give us your views in this simple online form before 25 April: https://forms.office.com/r/4CRyiqDXqD
We have engaged a consultant in community development to help us analyse the feedback we have received and to write our draft Local Place Plan
The thematic areas that have come through strongly so far have been as follows:
- A connected and accessible place
- An integrated place
- A climate friendly place
- A place with fit for purpose community facilities
- An entrepreneurial place.
We will be drafting our Local Place Plan over the next few weeks and hope to publish here a draft for consultation over the December/January months before submitting to Fife Council.
Keep tuned for more information
We are keen to engage the student population in St Andrews, and have a smart and easy way do to so.
If you are a student, click on the link below and vote on what developments would you like to see in St Andrews over the next 5 years! Go in and vote and watch the ideas GROW!
A summary of what we've found
Earlier in the year, the Royal Burgh of St Andrews Community Council decided to take the
opportunity to develop a Local Place Plan (an LPP) for the town. A local place plan is a relatively new
idea in the Scottish planning system. Communities can create these to shape their area’s future for
the next ten years and beyond. It gives them the chance to have a say and create a shared vision
about future development. Basically, we get to have a say about what gets built, and where.
The Community Council is developing this plan with the community to inform the St Andrews part of
the next iteration of Fife Council’s 10-year Local Development Plan, and it needs to be sent to Fife
Council before the year is out. Community Councillors are all volunteers with a very small budget,
but we couldn’t let this opportunity to channel the voice of our community pass us by.
Our starting point was a consultation with people in the town (residents, visitors, workers etc). We surveyed people, both online and in person to establish what the broad issues of concern were in the town. We stood in the
supermarket, had stalls at community events and spread the word in the media. We asked people
to rate what they thought of certain aspects of the town from 1 star (room for improvement) to 7
stars (good). We grouped these into thematic areas, from housing, to active travel, public transport,
green spaces, buildings and amenities. We also asked people to tell us what three things they
wanted to change about St Andrews over the next 10 years. We received over 500 responses.
Overall there was a sense of the balance between residents, university, tourists and golf being ‘out
of kilter’. And of course, there were some conflicting views.
By far the issue that people felt most strongly about was housing. In general, not enough, too
expensive and too many being rented out as short-term holiday accommodation. The next biggest
thing was transport – that there was too much traffic. A large proportion wanted safer cycle routes,
less traffic, better parking enforcement, more pedestrian areas, wider pavements. There was also a
general sense that St Andrews was not being maintained very well – dirty streets, seagull mess,
cluttered and uneven pavements, commercial bins being left out, overflowing drains.
There was also a sense that there was not enough for local people to do – too many souvenir and
coffee shops, and not enough local shops for local people to meet or buy every day items. There was
a sense that the town’s infrastructure wasn’t going to cope very well with planned expansion, and
that more attention was needed to cope with increased numbers of people needing healthcare,
more vehicles on our roads, more demand for electricity or water, more visitors.
We would like to thank those who have sent in their views, responded and provided us with very
useful proposals for change. We received a number of interesting proposals to consider as we
develop our LPP. These include refurbished childrens playparks near Bogward and West Sands,
renovation of public toilets at the Harbour and East Sands, more provision for young people, more
shops in residential areas, town centre pedestrian zones, better cycle provision, greater community
use of university buildings (eg the Byre), community allotments, a park and ride, a coastal cycle path.
The list goes on.
Our engagement continues with in-person events and some focus groups with under-represented
groups. We are still keen to hear your views if you have an interest in the future of St Andrews.
We have in-person consultation events at the Cosmos Centre (Wednesday 26 July 6.30 - 8.00pm) and
the Town Hall (Tuesday 8 August 6.30 - 8pm). We are seeking out opportunities to go to under-
represented groups such as schools and students in the late summer.
Please do visit our webpage to
find out the latest information at www.standrewscommunitycouncil.org.uk/localplaceplan, or if you
want to be in touch, please email us at rbstacc@gmail.com
- Morrisons supermarket on Friday 16 June (12-5), Sunday 18 June (10-4), Saturday 24 June (10-4)
- Preservation Trust's Hidden Gardens, Sunday 25 June
- Bandstand opening concerts Sunday 2 July (2-4)
- Harbour Trust Gala Day on Saturday 8 July (from 11am)
- Scooniehill centre on Monday 24 July (1-2pm)
- North East Fife Community Hub on Tuesday 25 July (11-12pm)
- Cosmos Centre on Wednesday 26 July (6.30 - 8.00pm).
- Town Hall on Tuesday 8 August (6.30 - 8pm).

The St Andrews Community Council has embarked on an exciting journey!
A local place plan (LPP) is a new idea. Creating one will give local people an opportunity to shape the town’s future for the next ten years and beyond. It will give us all the chance to have a say and create a shared vision about the way our town develops.
If you have views about housing, cycling routes, public transport, jobs, green spaces, buildings, community facilities (and more), we would like to hear from you!