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Community council elections

You may have seen that Fife Council are gearing up for elections to community councils across the region on 28 September 2023.

The Royal Burgh of St Andrews community council has applied to defer these elections until 2024 given that many of the town's population are students who may not have returned by then.

Community Council elections are held every four years in Fife, giving local people the opportunity to have a voice in their neighbourhoods.

We will post a notice when a new date has been announced for St Andrews. If any member of the local community wishes to stand, first you must be registered to vote. You must also:

  • be 16 or over,

  • be on the electoral register at an address in the area of the community council area you want to stand in, and;

  • must not be an elected member of Fife Council

A vote is held when there are more candidates wishing to stand than there are places available (in our case, 20). This means that, in some areas, there will be a vote, as there will be more people wanting to stand than places available on the community council. In others, there won't be a vote, as there will either be the exact number of people as there are places, or the minimum number of people required to form the community council.

If you're interested, please email us to find out a little more about the job of a community councillor in the town!



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